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Kundenwertorientierte Anreizsysteme für die Steuerung des Vertriebs

Kundenwertorientierte Bemessungsgrundlagen: Funktionen, Anforderungen und Einflussfaktoren
Nomos,  2015, 369 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-4825-7

69,00 € incl. VAT
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischBy using customer value orientated incentive schemes the sales and distribution strategy can be managed in a customer value orientated way and a consistent understanding of the customer value for management and sales and distribution is guaranteed. This dissertation analyzes how direct and indirect monetary customer value contributions can be used as determination base within an incentive scheme. The characteristics and functions of an incentive scheme as well as the internal and external parameters of a company also have to be taken into consideration. The resulting research questions can be approached by using expert interviews. For the methodical approach a system of rules is developed and quality criteria for the evaluation of the research will be determined. Furthermore, implications for management will be discussed and an orientation framework for the conception is drawn. The results shows, which characteristics of the determining factors are best applicable for which determination bases.