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8. Wiesbadener Compliance-Tag der EBS Law School – Center for Corporate Compliance

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Michael Nietsch

Nomos,  2023, 165 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-2970-3

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe creation of mandatory social standards in global supply chains has been the subject of legal policy debate for almost three decades. While the European Commission continues to struggle over a regulatory proposal, Germany has passed the Act on Corporate Due Dilligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LkSG). This directional decision has great practical significance not only for those employed in foreign supply chains, but also for companies in an economy such as Germany's, which is dominated by imports and foreign trade. The 8th Wiesbaden Compliance Day focused on the fundamentals and components of this sensational development and made an initial impact assessment.


With contributions by

Laura-Isabell Dietz | Elisabeth Gambert | Prof. Dr. Markus Kaltenborn | Janina Lukas | Prof. Dr. Michael Nietsch | Dr. David Schneider | Prof. Dr. Birgit Spießhofer | Dr. Thomas Voland | Dr. Christian Wagemann | Prof. Dr. David Wuttke

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