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Rommerskirchen | Rothengatter | Greinus | Leypoldt | Liedtke | Scholz

Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Infrastructure Networks

The case of the German federal trunk roads
Nomos,  2009, 134 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-1670-6

26,00 € incl. VAT
26,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn 2000 the Pällmann-Commission of the German Federal Government recommended a fundamental change in infrastructure financing of the German federal trunk roads. Instead of tax based investments, user pays principles should be pursued in future. Since January 2005 HGVs are charged on German motorways.

The present book calculates the refunding demand of a public enterprise in charge of the German federal trunk road network. The infrastructure cost calculation methodology is based on the principles of the Life-Cycle-Cost-Analysis. Infrastructure costs are calculated for each constructive element separately (disaggregated approach). The approach distinguishes between the elements of road structure, tunnels, bridges, nodes, equipment, service areas and maintenance depots. The total costs are allocated to user categories based on efficiency and fairness criteria (cost allocation). It is distinguished between proportionally attributed costs, system-specific costs, capacity-dependent costs and weight-dependent costs. In a last step the average tariff for HGVs is differentiated based on emission categories and axle classes (toll differentiation).