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Linking Refugee Protection with Development Assistance

Analyses with a Case Study in Uganda
Nomos,  2015, 267 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-4615-4

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischWhat does it take to link refugee and development aid and implement it? This is the guiding thought of the book. By means of a multi-method approach including research reviews, field studies in a refugee settlement in Uganda, participatory observations, expert interviews and ero-epic dialogues, the author developed a study that reveals the complexities and challenges of protection and assistance. After analyzing historic and current trends of refugee protection, development aid and gender equality promotion, previous endeavors to link refugee aid with development are explored. Based on these analyses and the latest operational standards, the author elaborates 25 necessary features for realizing development-oriented refugee assistance. These features are applied to the case study in Uganda which provides insights into multi-sectoral programs striving to promote refugees to become self-sufficient.

»Das übersichtlich strukturierte und gut geschriebene Buch ist insbesondere für jüngere Planer und Entwicklungsforscher erkenntnisreich.«
Rita Schäfer, Weltsichten 5/14

»Durch die in einem Flüchtlingslager in Uganda durchgeführte Feldstudie als Teil der Dissertation gelingt es Krause, eine politische Strategie zu entwerfen, die Flüchtlingshilfe und notwendige Unterstützung der aufnehmenden Gesellschaften angemessen zu integrieren vermag.«
Matthias Lemke, Juli 2013