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Meldepflichten im IT-Sicherheitsrecht

Datenschutz, Kritische Infrastrukturen und besondere IT-Dienste
Nomos,  2017, 605 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3672-0

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englischBy analysing legal aspects concerning the reporting of cyber security incidents, this book highlights both German and European regulations. As cyber security threats have rapidly increased during recent years, many new laws have and will come into effect. As regards data protection, in addition to the current law, the book examines the European General Data Protection Regulation, which has applied since May 2018. Legislation has also substantially increased for critical infrastructure and certain IT-services legislation. Therefore, the book takes a closer look at the German Cyber Security Act (IT-Sicherheitsgesetz) of 2015 and the Network and Information Security Directive of 2016. Its findings and conclusions are not only interesting on a theoretical level in relation to legal research, but can also be of practical use in the interpretation of requirements concerning specific applications.

»Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind nicht nur für die Rechtswissenschaft von Interesse, sondern können auch in der Praxis zur Beantwortung von Einzelfragen bei der Auslegung der jeweiligen Vorgaben herangezogen werden.«
GDD-Mitteilungen 1/2018, 10