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Metamorphosen zur gemeinwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaft

Grenzüberschreitungen in subsidiärer Geometrie und kommunaler Topologie
Nomos,  2015, 63 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-2483-3

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The work is part of the series Studien zum sozialen Dasein der Person (Volume 17)
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englischThe analysis of the theoretical study is explaining the different possibilities of the common social and economic value of cooperative economics. The perspective includes a) the societal relevance of the member value, b) the social engagement in local and regional areas and c) the onto-anthropological relevance of the cooperative principle. The multi-disciplinary study is combining fundamental theoretical reflections with perspectives of applied research in the field of local social policy and regional development. This perspective is connecting aspects of corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship and social capital production.