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Mobilität gemeinnütziger Stiftungen in Europa durch Wandlung

Nomos,  2017, 449 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8105-6

116,00 € incl. VAT
116,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch“Mobility through transformation” – under this motto the work at hand promotes a new European Foundation Law. German non-profit foundations are captured in a territorial lock-up. Top-down approaches to create mobility are deemed to fail, as the discontinued efforts to introduce a European Foundation (FE) show. The EU member states refuse to accept national non-profit tax laws that are penetrable, neither inbound nor outbound. This work does not challenge such status quo; instead, it presents ways that may offer foundations a way out of the lock-up (and in). The work takes a bottom-up approach by challenging long-held believes as to the treatment of foundations crossing borders, resulting in cross-border mobility founded in the national laws of the EU jurisdictions involved. Such mobility is achieved by transforming a foundation into its corresponding legal format in the envisioned jurisdiction without losing legal identity in the process. The transformation, in return, unlocks the non-profit tax laws of the EU member states, thereby breaking through these well-defended walls.

»eine anregende Arbeit, der vielfältige Impulse für ein ›Europäisches Gesellschaftsrecht der gemeinnützigen Stiftung‹ zu entnehmen sind.«
Stiftung & Sponsoring 2018, 48

»wissenschaftlich hervorragend aufbereitet und bestens belegt.«
Prof. Dr. Ingo Saenger, ZStV 2018, 113