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Nachhaltigkeit, Energiewende, Klimawandel, Welternährung

Politische und rechtliche Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Ines Härtel

Nomos,  2015, 812 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5458-6

159,00 € incl. VAT
159,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe understanding of complex relationships requires different approaches – especially among the world´s greatest problems of our time: Climate change and the energy turnaround, sustainability in the environmental and agricultural sectors, the world´s food supplies including the fight against hunger, food safety, agricultural financial speculation or the discard of food. The law plays an important role in this context because it is a regulatory and standard instance far beyond the limits of policy. The contributions in this book, which is published by Ines Härtel, focus on these current problems from different perspectives. Thus they reflect the national, European and global level to stimulate a further discussion.

With contributions by: Ilse Aigner, Peter Altmaier, Günther Bachmann, Helmut Born, Martina Brockmeier, Udo Busch, Mingde Cao, Yen-Lin Chiu, Bärbel Dieckmann, Hanns-Christoph Eiden/Frank Begemann/Stefan Schröder/Gabriele Blümlein, Christina Flaskühler, Walter Frenz/Kristina Wimmers, Michael Gerrard/Andrew Sabin, Tobias Greb, Alicia Gutierrez, Ines Härtel, Klaus Helling, Ekkehard Hofmann, Jochen Homann, Folkhard Isermeyer, Ulrich Koester, Claus Leggewie, Katrin Lemberg, Christoph Minhoff/Marcus Girnau, Johanna Monien, Henning Nordmann, Ingo Pies/Matthias Will, Matin Qaim, Dapeng Ren/Yumei Li, Katharina Richter, Christian Thomas, Benedikt Walker