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Bayer | Butz | Langlet | Poppe | Sommerer | von Maltitz | Wöbbeking

Nachhaltigkeitsrecht: Selbstverständnis, Status Quo und Perspektiven

München 2022
Nomos,  2023, 230 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3681-7

0,00 € free of charge
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe volume of the Young Sustainability Law research network brings together contributions on the multi-layered relationship between law and the concept of sustainability. In particular, the focus is on the design and discussion of possibilities and conceptualizations of legal frameworks for a sustainable society – the sustainability law. The aim of the volume is to contribute to a multi-perspective and intra-disciplinary dialogue on the social, ethical, ecological, political, power-structural and economic implications of the current discourse on sustainability and the role of law in it.

With contributions by

Isa Bilgen | | Jun.-Prof. Aziz Epik | Katja Hamann | Stefanie Hug | Ulrike Jürschik | Dr. Romy Klimke | Dr. Markus Lieberknecht | Prof. Dr. Anne-Christin Mittwoch | Marvin Reiff | Nella Sayatz | AkadRat a.Z. Alexander Stark | Timo Vogler, LL.M. (London)

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