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Gehler | Guasconi | Pierini

Narrating Europe

Speeches on European Integration (1946–2020)
Nomos,  2022, 653 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-8445-5

139,00 € incl. VAT
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139,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe authors of this volume have analysed a series of speeches on European integration by top politicians from a broad time span (1946–2020), placing each speech in its contemporary historical context while also considering the biographical background of the speaker. The comparative analysis the study conducts shows there is a need to rediscover that the ideal of European integration can be as exciting as other national historical controversies. In the face of rampant Euroscepticism, the historical classification and contextualisation of the role of European integration communication can be a useful tool in explaining and understanding the meaning of European unification and its values.


With contributions by

Dr. Andrea Becherucci, Prof. Frédéric Bozo, Prof. Elena Calandri, Prof. Andrea Catanzaro, Prof. Sante Cruciani, Dr. Deborah Cuccia, Prof. Elena Dundovich, Prof. Laura Fasanaro, Dr. Eva Garau, Prof. Dr. Michael Gehler, Prof. Piero Graglia, Prof. Giorgio Grimaldi, Prof. Gilles Grin, Prof. Maria Eleonora Guasconi, Prof. Giuliana Laschi, Prof. Guido Levi, Prof. Antonio Moreno Juste, Prof. Mara Morini, Prof. Marinella Neri Gualdesi, Dr. Jean-Marie Palayret, Prof. Simone Paoli, Prof. Daniele Pasquinucci, Prof. Laura Piccardo, Prof. Francesco Pierini, Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini, Prof. Daniela Preda, Prof. Sabine Russ-Sattar, Prof. Carlos Sanz Diaz, Prof. Jan Van der Harst, Prof. Antonio Varsori and Laura Wolf.

»sehr ausführlich und lesenswert. [...] eine mehr als empfehlenswerte Betrachtung des Einigungsprozesses in Europa.«
Dr. Hans Arno Petzold, EuR 3/2023, 319
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