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Nationales Recht als terra incognita?

Zum Merkmal der beiderseitigen Sanktionierbarkeit in der Vollstreckungshilfe am Beispiel der strafrechtlichen Aufarbeitung von Geschehnissen in der Colonia Dignidad bzw. Villa Baviera
Nomos,  2023, 127 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-4283-2

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischOn the basis of a presentation and interpretation of the characteristic of mutual sanctionability in enforcement assistance, this work deals with a sub-area of a dark and (from a criminal law perspective) still poorly- dealt chapter of Chilean-German history: the Colonia Dignidad or Villa Baviera and the (possible) enforcement of a Chilean criminal judgment for aiding and abetting of sexual crimes committed in Chile. In this context, comprehensive, critical evaluations of relevant decisions of the Krefeld Regional Court and the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court are made from the perspectives of criminal execution law, substantive criminal law, and procedural law.

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