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Neue Welt – andere Politik?

Politikwissenschaftliche Vermessungsversuche

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Florian Grotz

Nomos,  2022, 198 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3388-5

44,00 € incl. VAT
44,00 € incl. VAT
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englischAs a result of multiple crises, the national and international context of political action has changed fundamentally. How do these developments affect the functioning and performance of democracy? How has politics reacted so far, what are the key issues and promising reform options? This volume discusses these questions from the perspective of Political Theory, Comparative Government and International Relations and thus contributes to a more profound understanding of a world characterized by increasing uncertainty.


With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase, Ralf Fücks, Prof. Dr. em. Peter Graf Kielmansegg, Prof. Dr. Florian Grotz, Prof. Dr. Dirk Jörke, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Knelangen, Dr. Stefan Mair, Steffen Mingenbach, Janine Schmoldt, Prof. Dr. Wolf J. Schünemann, Prof. Dr. em. Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer and Prof. Dr. Kristina Spohr.

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