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New York Convention

on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
- Commentary -

Herausgegeben von Dr. Reinmar Wolff

Nomos,  2013, 677 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5913-0

185,00 € incl. VAT
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englischInternational arbitration not only paves the way for parties to avoid the imponderables of proceedings before foreign state courts. It also facilitates transnational enforceability of awards which is far more effective than the enforceability of state court judgments. The major instrument to that effect is the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards ("New York Convention") of 10 June 1958, in the meantime, ratified by 147 states. The 16 articles of the Convention are dealt with article-by-article, with a clear structure which swiftly guides the reader to the issue he or she is engaged with.


Given the New York Convention's global relevance, it follows that the potential "users" of the Convention are in need of guidance as to how to apply it. The primary target groups are lawyers seeking (or defending against) recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards worldwide, state court judges applying the Convention in recognition proceedings, and in-house lawyers in large and/or multinational enterprises dealing with transnational dispute resolution.

»With this new commentary, both practitioners and academics alike are now provided with an up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable analysis of the legal issues involved in recognizing and enforcing arbitral awards under the New York Convention.«
Prof. Dr. Dennis Solomon, Europcan Yearbook of International Economic Law 2014, 445

»The present commentary is a most useful tool for all practitioners as well as for courts and academics. It definitely belongs into the library of all professionals.«
Dr. Georg von Segesser, ASA Bulletin 2013, 232

»It is masterfully done... In my own future work as a professor, it is unlikely that I will ever teach or write anything about the Convention without first reviewing the relevant sections of the Commentary.«
Prof. Margaret L. Moses, [...]