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Krönke | Müller | Yu | Tian

Paradigms of Internet Regulation in the European Union and China

Nomos,  2018, 192 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-5187-7

50,00 € incl. VAT
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50,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis volume collects papers resulting from a joint project between Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and Renmin University of China on “Paradigms of Internet Regulation in the European Union and China”. Based on a thorough analysis of certain regulatory instruments in their constitutional and political context, the volume aims at unfolding the full spectrum of options for configuring the law of the internet. For this purpose, the papers look at internet regulation in the EU and China from various perspectives. Some provide comparative case studies on topics such as freedom of speech on the internet or the regulation of internet services; others describe legal achievements and developments, for example the draft European Digital Charter. A third category of papers aims at analyzing the development of internet regulation from a more global perspective, proposing potential research paradigms.


With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Chen Xuan; Prof. Dr. Ding Xiaodong, LL.M. (Yale); AkadR a.Z. Dr. Christoph Krönke; Michael W. Müller, LL.M. (Cambridge); Dr. Walther Michl, LL.M. (King’s College); Dr. Laura Münkler; Tian Wei; Daniel Wolff; Prof. Dr. Xiong Bingwan, LL.M. (Harvard); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu Wenguang.