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Pay-for-Delay-Vereinbarungen in Europa und den USA

Die kartellrechtliche Sanktionierung von Patentvergleichsvereinbarungen in der Pharmabranche im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innovationsförderung und Imitationswettbewerb
Nomos,  2023, 445 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-4162-0

134,00 € incl. VAT
134,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book addresses the current topic of pay-for-delay agreements, which has recently been of increasing concern to antitrust authorities, antitrust courts and pharmaceutical companies in the USA and Europe. The analysis shows in a practical way how such agreements are to be assessed under European antitrust law on the basis of differentiated criteria. For this purpose, antitrust decisions from the USA and Europe are analyzed and described in detail. In addition, the author outlines possible solutions for dealing with the actual causes of pay-for-delay agreements, which are to be found in general rather in the area of patent law and in particular in the design of the relevant patent law appeal proceedings.

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