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Phänomene regressiver Nachrichtenrezeption

Medienethische Perspektiven auf die Konjunktur nichtrationaler mentaler Modelle der Realität
Nomos,  2023, 295 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1849-3

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69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischOne phenomenon of modernity on which media ethics comments is the challenge to reason by the boom in non-rational world views. Since we are exposed to a constant stream of apocalyptic news every day, there is reason to examine news for its effect as a precursor of non-rational mental models of reality in the consciousness of its recipients. A model of cerebral information and knowledge processing by the sociologist Walter L. Bühl can be used to explain why many media users tend to align their actions with mythical, conspiracy-affiliated, anti-scientific and fundamentalist world views, thus calling into question fundamental achievements of the Enlightenment.

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