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Jacob | Thiel

Politische Theorie und Digitalisierung

Nomos,  2017, 317 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3733-8

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The work is part of the series Internationale Politische Theorie (Volume 5)
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englischHas digitalisation become a threat to democracy and freedom? Publications which state this are currently extremely fashionable. They have replaced the utopian literature of the 1990s, which saw digitalisation as the solution to the problems of modern society. This volume shines new light on the question of how the digital transformation can be fully comprehended using the methods and vocabulary of political theory. The contributions in this volume consider the presuppositions about and arguments used in the debate on digitalisation from different theoretical perspectives. At the same time, they examine what challenges digital structural change poses to the key concepts of political theory, ranging from privacy via the public domain to democracy. In what respects does our theoretical vocabulary need to be adapted, and how can developments be classified and evaluated?

With contributions by

Andreas Antić, Carlos Becker, Daniel Kuchler, Magdalena Freudenschuß, Claudia Ritzi, Martin Schmetz, Verena Diersch, Luciano Floridi, Helen Nissenbaum, Finn Bruton, Daniel Jacob, Thorsten Thiel, Theresa Züger, Stefania Milan, Leonie Maria Tanczer