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Politischer Kurswechsel im Gegenwind

Die Krise politischer Führung in Deutschland
Nomos,  2023, 136 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1518-8

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book is a wake-up call to the political class in Germany, which for two decades has shied away from critical questions about its domestic and foreign policy responsibilities. Two challenges confront the political science observer: first, the bureaucratic threat to civil liberty posed by the overflowing administrative state, and, second, the problem of inadequate political leadership.

Russia's war of aggression has shaken the long-held foundations of German politics. But there are also signs of reorientation emanating from some leading foreign policymakers. The Federal Republic has the opportunity to begin a new era by embarking on a policy that is sustainable in the long term.

»Wer meint, dass das Versagen des Westens im Wesentlichen auf die Führungsmacht USA zurückfalle, der sollte zu Paul Kevenhörster greifen.«
Dr. Thomas Speckmann, IP März/April 2024, 131
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