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Post 2023: Postwesen durch Wettbewerb erneuern!

13. Sektorgutachten
Gutachten der Monopolkommission gemäß § 44 PostG in Verbindung mit § 195 Abs. 2, 3 TKG

Herausgegeben von der Monopolkommission

Nomos,  2024, 129 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1843-7

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The work is part of the series Monopolkommission – Sektorgutachten
44,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn its 13th sector report on the postal sector, the Monopolies Commission analyses the current competitive situation on the German postal markets. The Monopolies Commission recommends a prompt, comprehensive revision of the 1997 Postal Act and again proposes a number of adjustments. A core concern of the reform should be to strengthen wholesale access to the network of the incumbent. The Commission is critical of plans to extend the VAT privilege of Deutsche Post AG. Furthermore, recommendations are made for an adjustment of the universal service obligations and for the effective enforcement of employees' rights in the postal sector.

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