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Private Standards im Recht der Welthandelsorganisation

Eine Untersuchung anhand des SPS-Übereinkommens
Nomos,  2016, 366 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7855-1

94,00 € incl. VAT
94,00 € incl. VAT
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englischPrivate sector standards in the food industry have risen considerably in recent years - not only in terms of their number but also their importance. Their impact on free trade is a subject of controversy and is being discussed within various bodies of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the governments of the WTO members. While the industrialized countries claim private standards have positive effects - for example, with regard to better quality of products, the least developed countries view them as a new barrier to market entry. The study addresses the question of whether WTO members can be held accountable for private standards. There is currently no regulation within the SPS Agreement which would allow private standards to be laid down under world trade law. Finally, the study comprehensively explores various solutions in dealing with private standards.