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Proteste und Intervention

Die staatliche Unterstützung gewaltfreier Protestbewegungen im Völkerrecht
Nomos,  2024, 676 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1970-4

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219,00 € incl. VAT
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englischNonviolent Protest Movements are elementary for the spread of democracy and human rights. Some states have, therefore, established policies to support these movements when they emerge. This practice, however, raises significant doubts from states that see themselves confronted with such protest movements. They deem any support to these movements as a violation of the prohibition of intervention in international law. Florian Kriener analyzes the normative framework for the support of nonviolent protest movements. Five detailed case studies on the protest movements in Egypt 2011, Ukraine 2013/14, Sudan 2018/19, Venezuela 2019 und Hong Kong 2019/2020 survey the current state practice and opinio juris in this emerging field of international law.

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