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Prozessuale Verteidigung durch Geheimnisverrat

Zur Rechtfertigung des beschuldigten 'Berufsgeheimnispflichtigen' (gem. § 203 Abs. 1 StGB) bei Offenbarungen zu Lasten unbeteiligter Geheimnisträger
Nomos,  2016, 514 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-6593-3

98,00 € incl. VAT
98,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe justification of doctors, lawyers etc. who breach professional secrecy (§ 203 StGB) for the purpose of their adequate defense in court is long - since being treated as a given by german jurisprudence and jurisdiction.

This thesis provides a critical analysis of this position for cases in which secrets of uninvolved parties are disclosed by the statement of the defendant. Based on a legal theory rooted in Habermas' "Diskurstheorie", the author discusses (i.a.) the fundamentals of the theory of legally protected interests ("Rechtsgu?terschutz"), the history of german professional secrecy laws, the scope of legal protection offered by § 203 StGB, the theoretical legitimation of legal justification in cases of emergency (Notstand, § 34 StGB) and the problem of "unwritten legal justifications". The thesis gives both legal scholars and practising lawyers reason to challenge the traditional doctrine.