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Pyrotechnische Zwischenfälle im deutschen Fußball

Eine straf- und ordnungswidrigkeitenrechtliche Untersuchung
Nomos,  2023, 365 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1706-9

114,00 € incl. VAT
114,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe use of pyrotechnics in and around the stadium is probably one of the biggest irritants in soccer, which is generally regarded as the number one national sport. Hardly any stylistic device polarizes more than that of bengalos, firecrackers, smoke bombs and flares.

In his study, the author addresses the use of pyrotechnic objects in soccer from the perspective of criminal and administrative offence law. In doing so, he examines in a differentiated manner the criminal and administrative offence law issues arising in this context with a view to the applicable law, but also does not fail to point out possible approaches to reform. The work addresses the phenomenon of pyrotechnics to an unprecedented extent.

»Insgesamt ist es aus meiner Sicht eine überaus gelungene Dissertation zu einem Thema, welches in dieser Form noch kaum an anderer Stelle so prägnant aufgearbeitet und dargestellt worden ist.«
RA René Lau, FASportR, SpoPrax 6/2023
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