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Raumordnungs- und Bauleitplanung aktuell

Neue Rechtsgrundlagen, Planungspraxis und Rechtsprechung

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Stephan Mitschang

Nomos,  2018, 250 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9546-6

65,00 € incl. VAT
65,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis volume presents a summary of the latest academic conference on urban and regional planning which took place at the Technical University of Berlin. The conference addressed current demands in urban development with regard to recent court rulings and their implementation.

This book describes the 2017 legal amendments to Germany’s planning and environmental laws, which have had a major impact on the preparation of planning on both the state and local levels. Some remarkable changes have been implemented in Germany’s federal building code, its nature conservation laws as well as in the field of flood protection planning. Procurement law increasingly requires consideration in development planning as well. This conference book intends to help practitioners who have to deal with the new regulations.

With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Klaus Joachim Grigoleit, Dr. Stefan Lütkes, Prof. Dr. Susan Grotefels, Prof. Dr. Christian-W. Otto, MinDirig Dr. Jörg Wagner, Prof. Dr. Stephan Mitschang, Prof. Dr. Olaf Reidt, Prof. Dr. Alexander Schink, Dr. Max Reicherzer, Dr. Tim Schwarz, Prof. Dr. Annette Guckelberger, Helmut Petz.