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Stürmer | Meier

Recht Populär

Populärkulturelle Rechtsdarstellungen in aktuellen Texten und Medien
Nomos,  2016, 243 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-6104-1

64,00 € incl. VAT
64,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch‚Popu-law‘ comprises film and TV just like theatre, journalism and literature, a wide range reflected by the variety of contributions. Legal ‚moral tales‘ in film and TV are reflected upon, just like the popular reception of legal journalism. Serial narration in ‚crime series‘ is given consideration, as are theatrical aspects of the courtroom and the social possibilities of staged courts. Representations of law in contemporary novels are complemented by historical perspectives on ‚case studies‘ up until Ferdinand von Schirach’s stories, which in turn are positioned between popularity and triviality. Comparisons to Italian and US-American formats add international perspectives. All in all the contributions of this volume achieve to give a detailed and differenciated overview of the multiple presence of law in modern popular culture.

With contributions by:

Gerhard Besier, Christine Künzel, Fabian Kupper, Stefan Machura, Patrick Meier, Heinz Müller-Dietz, Doris Pichler, Thomas Seibert, Thomas Sprecher, Jochen Vogt