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Krimphove | Globisch

Recht und Religionen im Weimarer Dreieck

Europäische Anforderungen und Chancen
Nomos,  2023, 324 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3835-4

74,00 € incl. VAT
74,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe series ‘Law and Religions’ is dedicated to the tension between these two basic conditions of social coexistence in a multidisciplinary way. This often conflictual polarity appears particularly virulent in the member states of the ‘Weimar Triangle’, Germany, France and Poland; after all, these three countries pursue different concepts of law and religions. In the first volume of the series, numerous renowned authors from the member states of the Weimar Triangle focus on today's critical and interdisciplinary examination of law and religions in the Weimar Triangle.


With contributions by

Markus Globisch | Dr. Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner | Prof. Walter Homolka, PhD | Prof. Dr. Krystian Kałuża | Dr. Marzena Kloka-Kohnen | Prof. Dr. Dieter Krimphove | apl. Prof. Dr. Christophe Losfeld | Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Reis | Prof. Dr. Harald Schwillus | Dr. Markus Solo Kewuta | Dr. Stephan Theilig | PD Dr. Anne-Laure Zwilling

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