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Rechtsmissbrauch und seine Auslegung im europäischen Recht

Nomos,  2023, 216 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1851-6

64,00 € incl. VAT
64,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis work offers a detailed and in-depth examination of the methodological, dogmatic and substantive aspects of the European prohibition of abuse of law that are relevant to practice. Among other things, its legal nature, the dogmatic location of the examination, prerequisites for application, and the repercussions for the application of the law in individual cases are discussed. Finally, there is a systematic examination of the recent case law of the German Federal Labor Court on AGG hopping in the light of the European prohibition of abuse of law. Of great practical relevance is the specially developed case group system, which allows a precise examination of the conformity of national court interpretations of the prohibition of abuse of law with European Union law.

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