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Bilic | Jankovic

Resisting the Evil

[Post-]Yugoslav Anti-War Contention

Herausgegeben von Bojan Bilic, Vesna Jankovic

Nomos,  2015, 288 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-3915-6

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch[Post-]Yugoslav anti-war contention has remained a blind spot in East European sociological scholarship. More than a decade after the end of the wars of Yugoslav succession, there is very little that we know about the processes through which the imminence of an armed conflict awakened dormant social networks and strengthened the existing activist circles or created new ones.

This study systematically illuminates (post-)Yugoslav anti-war engagement as an important and up to now neglected aspect of the complex process of Yugoslavia’s dissolution. With its distinctly trans-national approach, this volume recovers the relevance of various forms of civic organising in former Yugoslavia for the anti-war contention which unfolded before, during and after the wars of Yugoslav succession.

This book is a collective endeavour of a group of authors coming from all the republics of former Yugoslavia. It, thus, offers a look from within which has been conspicuously missing from the regional sociology. Almost all of the contributors combine rigorous theoretical reflection with empirically rich accounts stemming from their own activist experience in the (post-)Yugoslav anti-war and peace initiatives.

»bereichernde Mischung aus Analysen und teilweise sehr persönlichen Reflektionen... Insgesamt bietet "Resisting the Evil" eine Vielzahl tiefgehender Einsichten und Analysen aus Insider-Hand: Sie machen den Band zu einer interessanten Lektüre für alle, die dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien und Anti-Kriegsinitiativen verbunden sind.«
Judith Brand, Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 5/13

»viele neue empirische Erkenntnisse über die verschiedenen Akteure, Aktionsformen und Deutungen der (post-)jugoslawischen Friedens- bzw. Antikriegsbewegung... eine bedeutende Ergänzung nicht nur des Forschungsstandes zur Geschichte des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens, sonder auch der Geschichte der europäischen Friedensinitiativen.«
Dorde Tomic, Südosteuropäische Hefte 2/13

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