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Orrú | Porcedda | Weydner-Volkmann

Rethinking Surveillance and Control

Beyond the "Security versus Privacy" Debate
Nomos,  2017, 240 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3506-8

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englischThis book works from the premise that the widespread belief that increased security leads to a loss of privacy is conceptually misconceived and conceals key aspects of surveillance measures. Its authors emphasise the symbiotic relationship between freedom and security, and reveal the hollowness of both concepts as soon as they are examined as separate entities and outside concrete power relations. By further contextualising risks and surveillance practices, they also demonstrate the value of privacy and data protection. By presenting a kaleidoscope of perspectives, which ranges from critical studies to international relations, law, philosophy and sociology, the book elucidates that surveillance technology in no way implies increased security and less privacy, and vice versa that the protection of privacy does not only have to come at the expense of security.

»lassen sich die Aufsätze auch einzeln mit Gewinn lesen. Rapoports Artikel wie auch der Sammelband als Ganzes werden dieser selbst gestellten Aufgabe, Überwachung und Kontrolle jenseits der Gegenüberstellung von Sicherheit und Privatheit neu zu denken, in vielfacher Weise gerecht.«, August 2018