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Ring-Fencing in Europe

The EU's Bank Structural Reform and a Legal Comparative Look at National Legislation in Europe's Three Financial Capitals
Nomos,  2019, 342 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0345-1

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89,00 € incl. VAT
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englischBank structural reforms that stipulate the separation of retail and investment banking and that can collectively be referred to as ‘ring-fencing’ have been among the most controversial regulations since the financial crisis. This study explores legal developments in the European Union in this regard as well as national legislation in the United Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland.

The study contributes to the terminology and classification of existing and future ring-fencing initiatives and paints a comprehensive picture of current developments and prospects on an EU level in this respect. It furthermore highlights structural differences in the national approaches of Europe’s three most important financial centres, and casts light on Switzerland’s unique ring-fencing efforts that have been barely recognised internationally.

This study was recognised with the Austrian Award for Insolvency Law.

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