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"Schießen wie die anderen?"

Beiträge für eine friedensverträgliche Sicherheits- und eine sicherheitsverträgliche Friedenspolitik

Von Reinhard Mutz, Herausgegeben von Dr. Sabine Jaberg

Nomos,  2019, 441 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0096-2

89,00 € incl. VAT
89,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis commemorative book reprints articles by Reinhard Mutz which promote a security policy compatible with peace and a peace policy compatible with security. After the end of the system-driven global conflict, hopes for an era of peace, unity and democracy were high. However, Reinhard Mutz soon realised that the West had made a different choice. A resilient pan-European form of security or even peace did not emerge. Instead, Germany threw off its shackles concerning the use of troops, and NATO mutated from a defensive alliance into a hegemonic power and intervention cartel. Military interventions in a changed conflict environment became routine. The humanitarian reasoning behind them also intensified disputes within the peace research community. Reinhard Mutz did not only see the noble ambitions fail in action; he also identified the price the Western states were prepared to pay: the erosion of the prohibition of violence as the basis of every peace policy.