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Lüttig | Lehmann

Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder

Nomos,  2023, 110 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1457-6

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The work is part of the series Schriften der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Celle (Volume 8)
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englischReports of pedosexual crimes trigger revulsion and horror. The particular defencelessness of the victims and the unforeseeable consequences of the assaults for their future lives force the police and judiciary to take decisive action. However, investigations in this area of crime are not easy. There are often difficulties in providing evidence. Even accusations that later turn out to be unfounded may lead to a lasting stigmatization of the accused. This conference volume brings together the perspectives of criminology, police, defense and accessory prosecution. It also discusses how the problem is dealt with in the Protestant church.


With contributions by

Claudia Burgsmüller | Dr. h.c. Rüdiger Deckers | Prof. Dr. Bernd-Dieter Meier | Dennis Möller | Dr. Stephanie Springer, MLE

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