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Kuhn | Renzikowski | Schellhammer

Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung bei Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen?

Herausforderungen zwischen Ermöglichung und Schutz
Nomos,  2024, 364 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-4516-1

119,00 € incl. VAT
119,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe issue of sexual self-determination for people with intellectual disabilities is a taboo – pushed to the margins of society. Yet at the same time, it reveals a great helplessness for relatives, legal guardians, and care professionals. The non-thematization and institutionalized way of dealing with the needs for partnership, love, and sexuality of people who dependent on support often leads to their rights being disregarded and violated. The book is based on an interdisciplinary, inclusive research project that explored needs from the perspective of those affected and looks for legal, educational, and political ways to enable self-determined sexuality for people in care.

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