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Henkel | Karle | Lindemann | Werner

Sorget nicht - Kritik der Sorge

Dimensionen der Sorge
Nomos,  2019, 268 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8921-2

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn the face of the overall state of affairs in society, which seems to be characterised by crises, (right-wing) populism, uncertainty and radicalisation, the concept of ‘concern’ appears to be a key idea in modern society. The underlying idea behind the discussion compiled in this book is to investigate concern from the perspective of a carefree attitude. Such an approach might provide us with a clearer understanding of the multifaceted and complex phenomenon of concern. Concern can be regarded as the manifestation of a longing for a carefree life without the burden of tedious tasks or demands that are too high. However, concern can also be understood as something active—being carefree through lovingly caring for someone or behaving responsibly. This study’s approach of incorporating the idea of being carefree into the debate about concern makes the ambiguity of this concept clear: concern both inhibits and incentivises action; it is both restrictive and empowering.

With contributions by

Reiner Anselm, Robert Gugutzer, Annette Schnabel, Steffi Hobuß