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Altmeppen | Filipovic | Hackel-de Latour

Soziale Kommunikation im Wandel

50 Jahre Medienethik und Kommunikation in Kirche und Gesellschaft
Communicatio Socialis - Sonderband
Nomos,  2017, 163 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4035-2

39,00 € incl. VAT
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29,95 € incl. VAT
Sonderpreis für Bezieher der Zeitschrift im Rahmen des Abonnements
Also available as eBook
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis anniversary edition, commemorating 50 years of the periodical “Communicatio Socialis”, includes a retrospective introduction and presents five articles derived from half a century of “Communicatio Socialis” which represent both its continuity as well as its changes. The topics address both general and specific questions concerning the media, such as journalistic professional ethics and scripted reality, as well as challenges related to the church and society, such as problems and opportunities regarding rapprochement between religions. Furthermore, this volume offers compact contributions on the basic concepts of media ethics, which provide helpful orientation for work in the field of media ethics.

With contributions by:

Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen, Thomas A. Bauer, Bernhard Debatin, Alexander Filipovic, Rüdiger Funiok, Claudia Nothelle, Helmuth Rolfes, Ulrich Saxer, Michael Schmolke, Christian Thies, Jürgen Wilke.