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Stationäres soziales Training im (Warnschuss-)Arrest

Implementation und Evaluation eines Modellprojekts in Baden-Württemberg
Nomos,  2017, 563 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3614-0

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The work is part of the series Schriften zur Kriminologie (Volume 8)
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englischThe introduction of the so-called warning shot arrest in Baden-Wuerttemberg in 2013 was used as occasion to implement social training classes during short detention for young offenders. The implementation and the participants’ recidivism rates were examined. The research is based on a survey among the detainees. Moreover judges, social trainers and detainees have been interviewed. The work presents and assesses for the first time data about recidivism rates after warning shot arrest. In addition, it provides and compares data about recidivism after young offenders’ short detention with and without social training classes.

»Wer an einer gründlichen Aufbereitung der Diskussion um den Jugendarrest nach § I6aJGG und Einblicken in die Praxis des Jugendarrests in Baden-Württemberg interessiert ist, wird in dem Werk von Frau GERNBECK fündig.«
Dipl. Jur. Stephanie Ernst, ZJJ 2018, 73