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Stiftungskontrolle und Stiftungsautonomie

Erfordernis und Implikationen eines stiftungseigenen Rechtsschutzregimes nach dem Vorbild der schweizerischen Stiftungsaufsichtsbeschwerde
Nomos,  2024, 303 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1664-8

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The work is part of the series Schriftenreihe zum Stiftungswesen (Volume 52)
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englischThe treatise reveals a legal protection gap in German foundation law: if the foundation board acts incorrectly and the state supervisory authority does not intervene, de lege lata no one can ensure that the founder's will is observed. The legal situation in Switzerland is different: there, the foundation supervisory complaint has always made it possible, if necessary in court, to oblige the state supervisory authority to fulfil its duty to protect the foundation. In order to close the gap in German legal protection, it is proposed, based on the Swiss legal situation, to include a foundation supervision provision in the German Civil Code.

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