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Giannini | Ibold | Köpferl | Neßeler | Neumann | Niedernhuber | Peters | Steenbreker | Verein Junges Strafrecht e.V.

Strafrecht im Angesicht der Digitalisierung

8. Symposium Junger Strafrechtlerinnen und Strafrechtler
München 2021
Nomos,  2022, 165 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0875-3

46,00 € incl. VAT
46,00 € incl. VAT
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englischDigital information technology is increasingly affecting all areas of life causing considerable economic, social, political and legal change. The transformative force of those technologies have changed the law on computer and internet crime – once being a niche product of criminal law – into a far more comprehensive criminal law of digitalisation.

This book explores the many and unresolved questions raised by this transformation for criminal law covering areas of cybercrime, artificial intelligence, social media, law enforcement and Big Data.

With contributions by

Markus Abraham, Daria Bayer, Stephan Christoph, Hannah Heuser/Alexandra Witting, Florian Nicolai, Jan Rennicke, Athina Sachoulidou and Kilian Wegner.

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