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Kevenhörster | Laag

Strategie und Taktik

Ein Leitfaden für das politische Überleben
Nomos,  2018, 130 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8819-2

19,00 € incl. VAT
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englischHow can I get ahead in politics? What does political leadership mean? How do I avoid mistakes? How do I deal with my political opponents? There are only tentative references to these questions in many political science books, but political science should not avoid them. This ‘Guide to Political Survival’ endeavours to remedy this situation by applying the recommendations of established theoreticians, such as Max Weber (Politics as a Vocation), Baltasar Gracián (The Art of Wordly Wisdom), Niccolò Machiavelli (The Prince), Sun Tsu (The Art of War) and Carl von Clausewitz (On War), to current manoeuvres in the frenzy of politics, which in turn yields ideas on maxims of strategic and tactical behaviour. In this way, the book is able to give advice on how to climb the ladder in politics and successfully exercise political functions in a modern democracy. This book is not only aimed at political scientists, but also provides practical orientation for citizens who are both interested and active in politics.

»Kevenhörster hat sich einen besonderen Zugang zum Thema einfallen lassen: Er hat sich einschlägige Klassiker der politischen Strategie und Taktik ausgewählt und versucht, aktuelle politische Erscheinungen, Ereignisse, Handlungen und Verhaltensweisen unter die klugen Sprüche der Klassiker zu subsumieren.«
Dr. Michael Fuchs, ZfP 1/2019, 117

»interessanter Lesestoff über Klassiker der politischen Strategie.« Juli 2018