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Streaming von nutzergenerierten Inhalten ohne Lizenz

Rechtliche Probleme des urheberrechtlichen Ausschließlichkeitsrechts der Publisher im eSport und Möglichkeiten der Beschränkung bzw. Regulierung
Nomos,  2024, 390 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1539-9

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The work is part of the series Schriften der Forschungsstelle für eSport-Recht (Volume 4)
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englischOver the last few years, the streaming of user-generated eSports and gaming content has increasingly established itself as a livelihood for numerous individuals. Therefore, this thesis addresses practical copyright law issues related to the public reproduction of user-generated gaming content on unrestricted access streaming platforms. Pioneering in its field, this work conducts a comprehensive legal analysis of the relationships among publishers, streamers and streaming platforms. Specifically, it examines if current copyright law can equitably reconcile the diverse interests of all involved parties.

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