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Telekommunikation 2023: Gigabit-Ziele durch Wettbewerb erreichen!

13. Sektorgutachten
Gutachten der Monopolkommission gemäß § 195 Abs. 2, 3 TKG

Herausgegeben von der Monopolkommission

Nomos,  2024, 130 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1844-4

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The work is part of the series Monopolkommission – Sektorgutachten
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englischIn its 13th Sector Report on Telecommunications, the Monopolies Commission analyses the current competitive situation on the German fixed and mobile telecommunications markets. The Monopolies Commission recommends a short extension of mobile spectrum assignments for a maximum of three years, linked to conditions that promote competition. It argues against a ban on duplicating fibre optic networks and in favour of freely negotiated open network access, which should enable providers to use the networks of other operators in order to offer their own services. The Monopolies Commission also submits various proposals for shortening proceedings at the Federal Network Agency.

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