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The Complete (but Unofficial) Guide to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

2nd edition
Nomos,  2. Edition 2013, 216 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5916-1

35,00 € incl. VAT
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englischEleven teams of student participants attended the first Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot in 1993/1994. Twenty years later 290 teams from 67 countries plus a huge number of coaches and arbitrators gathered in what is now considered one of the largest international arbitration events in the world. The cases dealt with are based on an international sales transaction governed by CISG, including procedural issues of arbitration.


The book is meant for participants of the Vis Moot. It provides the reader with step-by-step practical advice in order to maximize his or her Vis Moot experience. It explains registration and offers tips on finding and organizing the team, analyzing the case, writing memoranda, presenting the case in the oral pleadings, and organizing the trips to Vienna or Hong Kong. Any student contemplating to take part in the so-called “Moot Experience” will find the information needed to make the Vis Moot a real lifetime experience.



Chapter 1– The Vis Moot: A Lifetime Experience –

Chapter 2– The Vis Moot: Facts and Figures –

Chapter 3– How to Start –

Chapter 4– How to Write Effective Memoranda –

Chapter 5– How to Present Your Case before the Arbitral Tribunal –

Chapter 6 – Seven Days in Vienna and Hong Kong –

Chapter 7 – Where to Go from Here–

Chapter 8 – Views from Around the World –


Annex: Vis Moot Rules as of the 20th Moot 2013/2014


Dr. Jörg Risse and his co-authors Dr. Markus Altenkirch, Dr. Ragnar Herbst, Dr. Annette Keilmann, and Dr. Lisa Reiser are practicing lawyers with Baker & McKenzie and well experienced in the field of arbitration and litigation.