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Banken | Wubs

The Rhine: A Transnational Economic History

Nomos,  2017, 383 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8473-6

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe transnational focus of this anthology on the cross-border flow of goods, capital, people and the institutions involved in the Rhine economy adds new insights to existing knowledge of national and local histories. Both the history of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) and contributions on environmental issues show that the manifold problems of the riparian Rhine states could, and can, only be solved through international and transnational collaboration. As an early example of transnational collaboration, the CCNR is one of the institutional explanations for the long-term successful economic development of the region. On the other hand, private industry, multinational companies and entrepreneurs played a major role in both the development of the economy along the Rhine and the transnational interdependencies of its core regions. Despite wars and the nationalistic economic policies of governments, these private agents created a long-lasting cross-border economic region.


With contributions by:

Ralf Banken, Antoine Beyer, Marten Boon, Nil Disco, Jeroen Euwe, Hendrik Fischer, Boris Gehlen, Mark Jakob, Hein Klemann, Christopher Kobrak, Theo Notteboom, Uwe Lübken, Laura Rischbieter, Eva-Maria Roelevink, Ben Wubs, Dieter Ziegler

»In die jüngeren Forschungen zum Rhein reiht sich dieser Band hervorragend ein, nimmt er doch mit unterschiedlichen Zugängen und Methoden die ökonomischen Verflechtungen der gesamten Rheinregion in den Blick.«
Nils Bennemann, NPL 2020, 321