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The Stoics and the State

Theory - Practice - Context
Nomos,  2018, 263 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-2843-5

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The work is part of the series Staatsverständnisse (Volume 105)
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englischHow did the Stoics conceive of a polis and statehood? What happens when these ideas meet different biographies and changing historical environments? To answer these questions, 'The Stoics and the State' combines close philological reading of original source texts and fine-grained conceptual analysis with wide-ranging contextualisation, which is both thematic and diachronic. A systematic account elucidates extant definitions, aspects of statehood (territory, institutions, population and state objectives) and the constitutive function of the common law. The book’s diachronic part investigates how Stoics from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius used their theory of the state to assess particular states, explain the origin of political communities and shape their own political practice. A glimpse at modern adaptations from Justus Lipsius to Martha C. Nussbaum explains the peculiarities of Stoic notions and their basis in a conception of human nature as not only political but essentially sociable and beneficent.

»a welcome, and highly recommended addition to the growing literature on Stoic political thought by an eminent specialist of Stoicism... an excellent, up-to-date bibliography... she offers her readers food for thought.«
René Brouwer, POLIS 37/2020, 177

»l’auteure a le mérite d’avoir produit un traitement systématique, concis et fort bien structuré, bien qu’il s’agisse en définitive d’un ouvrage complexe destiné aux spécialistes. En effet, le propos de l’auteure demeure pointu, se concentrant sur les conceptions stoïciennes de la notion de cité (plutôt que sur celles de loi ou de justice en elles-mêmes10), dont elle traite dans une suite de courtes sections, minimisant ainsi les digressions. Tout au long des dix chapitres qui composent son analyse, au moyen d’une exégèse d’abord philologique, [...]