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Leu | Rutten | Brouwer | Rütschi | Matter

The Swiss and the Dutch health care systems compared

A tale of two systems
Nomos,  2008, 168 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-1070-4

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe aim of this study is to describe and compare the Dutch and the Swiss health care system. Both countries rely on the concept of regulated competition in the health insurance market. The study pinpoints similarities and differences, highlighting those elements that have proved to be successful in the past, and draws some policy relevant conclusions.

The report consists of three parts. Part I provides an overview over the Swiss and the Dutch health care system and its recent reform and presents a quantitative comparison based on the most recent OECD data. Part II contains a more detailed comparison of selected elements of the two systems, including the enforcement of mandatory health insurance, the basic benefit package in mandatory health insurance, the market for basic health insurance, premium differences, mobility of consumers, the risk equalisation scheme, cost sharing of consumers, managed care models, quality of care, contracting, cross-border service provision and prevention. Part III provides a summary and the main conclusions regarding health policy. The main characteristics of long term care in Switzerland are outlined in the appendix.

»Das kleine, aber feine Buch räumt auf mit Vorurteilen und Glaubensbekenntnissen über bestimmte Modelle. Flankiert durch umfangreiche Datenanalysen sowie internationale Literatur zum Problem wird der Leser kompetent ins Bild gesetzt.«
Monitor-Versorgungsforschung, 4/08