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The Transnationalisation of Risks of Violence

Herausgegeben von Dr. Martin Kahl

Nomos,  2011, 153 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-6258-6

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The work is part of the series Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden (Volume 202)
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englischTransnational risks of violence such as ethnic conflicts, organised crime (drug trafficking, money laundering), or terrorism are both a cause and a feature of a transition from a national to a post-national world. Much evidence suggests that, compared to interstate conflicts, transnational violence has gained in importance and will continue to do so. Transnational risks change the interplay between sub-national, national and international actors, as these actors’ roles and relative weights as both causes and managers of problems shift.

The authors of this book define the phenomenon of transnational risks of violence in the context of the “postnational constellation” and examine its involvement in current conflicts, track different forms and complex entanglements of such risks and analyse the concepts, strategies and instruments that international organisations have adopted to combat transnational risks and promote security and peace.

»The book is very comprehensible and still offers thought-provoking impulses. Therefore, it is worth reading for both active researchers in the field for transnational risks of violence as well as a broad readership interested in this topic.«
Anika Kirchner, S+F 1/12

»Der Sammelband beeindruckt insbesondere durch seinen kohärenten Aufbau: Auf die Charakterisierung der post-nationalen Konstellation und der neu entstandenen, transnationalen Sicherheitsrisiken folgen Einzelfallstudien zu Al Kaida sowie zum Konflikt in Südossetien. Schließlich finden sich Analysen der sicherheitspolitischen Institutionen bedeutender internationaler Organisationen wie den Vereinten Nationen, der Europäischen Union und der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa, sowie ihrer [...]