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Caspar | Luy

Tierschutz bei der religiösen Schlachtung / Animal Welfare at Religious Slaughter

Die Ethik-Workshops des DIALREL Projekts / The Ethics Workshops of the DIALREL Project DIALREL - Deliverable D 1.2
Nomos,  2010, 272 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-4898-6

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The work is part of the series Das Recht der Tiere (Volume 6)
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englischRanging from the initial veterinary examination to the formulation of an ethically reviewed draft law, this volume documents the two ethics workshops of the interdisciplinary DIALREL project, which is carried out for the EU from 2006 until 2010 regarding the cross-cultural problem of religious slaughter without stunning.

For the first time the documentation of Workshop 1 provides an ethical analysis of the various statutory exemptions for religious slaughter without stunning in Europe (Halal Slaughter and Shechita). Workshop 2 served the jurisprudential assessment of the constitutional tension between the fundamental right of religious freedom and the national policy objective of animal welfare in Germany, and based on both Workshop 1 and 2, also the formulation of draft law for an ethically optimised exemption for religious slaughter without stunning.

The editors who designed and realised these two ethics workshops for the EU with multinational participation, have been dealing with the ethical and legal aspects of religious slaughter for many years.

»Jeder, der sich mit der Problematik der religiös begründeten, betäubungslosen Schlachtung auseinandersetzt, findet in dieser Neuerscheinung Information und Orientierung, um auf sachlicher Ebene zur Problemlösung die Lektüre dringend angeraten, aber nicht nur Tierärzten/innen, sondern vor allem auch allen Vertretern aus Politik und Verwaltung.«
Dr. Karl Fikuart, Deutsches Tierärzteblatt April 2010