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Schmude | Freytag | Bandi Tanner


Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis
Nomos,  2024, ca. 700 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-8845-3

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The work is part of the series NomosHandbuch
approx. 98,00 € incl. VAT
Published October 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischContaining around 100 contributions, this interdisciplinary handbook is aimed at (tourism) academics and students, practitioners from (the tourism) industry and (tourism) organisations, as well as (tourism) policy stakeholders. The articles present concepts and models from a theoretical perspective as well as structures and developments for different countries and regions and for different areas of tourism based on empirical analyses from a supply and demand perspective. Finally, the handbook contains a supplementary section that provides information on relevant research institutes, study programmes at colleges and universities as well as interest groups and associations.


With contributions by

Sebastian Amrhein | Wolfgang Aschauer | Dominik Asef | Martin Balas | Monika Bandi Tanner | Elisabeth Bartl | Michael Bauder | Alfred Bauer | Christian Baumgartner | Thomas Bausch | Julia E. Beelitz | Bernhard Fabian Bichler | Michael Bischof | Jessica de Bloom | Celine Chang | Roland Conrady | Philipp Corradini | Benjamin Domenig | Axel Dreyer | Eveline Dürr | Katrin Eberhardt | Bernd Eisenstein | Eva Erdmenger | Sascha Filimon | Renate Freericks | Walter Freyer | Tim Freytag | Wolfgang Fuchs | Carolin Funck | Marco A. Gardini | André Golliez | Werner Gronau | Sven Groß | Ulrich Gunter | Bernhard Harrer | Arnulf Hartl | Rainer Hartmann | Stefanie Haselwanter | Hans Hopfinger | Andreas Kagermeier | Marion Karl | Anna Klein | Peter Laimer | Moritz Langer | Andreas Liebrich | Erik Lindner | Martin Lohmann | Dagmar Lund-Durlacher | Chantal Lutz | Nathalie Lutz | Jara-Lea Mallwitz | Christian Matt | Marius Mayer | Ronald Moeder | Philipp Namberger | Simon Neumair | Johannes Novy | Alexis Papathanassis | Anna Para | Mike Peters | Christof Pforr | Birgit Pikkemaat | Markus Pillmayer | Monika Popp | Frieda Raich | Gerhard Rainer | Laura Reiter | Manuel Sand | Nadine Scharfenort | Roland Schegg | Cathrin Schiemenz | Dieter Schlesinger | Jürgen Schmude | Dirk Schmücker | Johannes Schubert | Markus Schuckert | Dominik Siegrist | Hubert J. Siller | Christoph Sommer | Hasso Spode | Moritz Sporer | Christian Steiner | Jürg Stettler | Wolfgang Strasdas | Yves Strauss | Thomas Streifeneder | Matthias Stürmer | Werner Sülberg | Anna Wallebohr | Fabian Weber | Nora Winsky | Karl Wöber | Karlheinz Wöhler | Manuel Woltering | Anita Zehrer | Harald Zeiss

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