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Das Leihbuch nach 1945 - ein Stück Buchgeschichte
Nomos,  2., erweiterte Auflage, 2018, 250 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9081-2

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch'Leihbücher' (rental books) constituted a form of pulp fiction that was not available to buy but produced especially for commercial rental libraries in Germany after 1945. As there were no paperbacks at that time, such rental books were, apart from pulp novels, the principal form in which German-speaking writers could publish their work. The result was over 30,000 publications bound in plastic film, of each of which there were often only 2,000 copies. In addition to examining the role played by commercial rental libraries, this study describes the features of the books they lent out and the subjects they addressed, along with the conditions the authors worked under (in terms of royalties and contracts) and those under which the books were produced and distributed. This second edition of the study also presents a selection of the most important authors of such books. Moreover, it provides a detailed account of the work conducted on such fiction by censors in order to protect minors and is supplemented with the most comprehensive list to date of the rental books that were designated as unsuitable for young people. This study will appeal to everyone interested in the development of light fiction and addresses a chapter in the history of books which has largely been neglected so far. Its author works as a TV correspondent in Bonn and has been studying various aspects of the genre of light fiction for several decades.

»unverzichtbar für jeden, dessen Interesse der Entwicklung des SF-Genres im Nachkriegsdeutschland gilt.«
Rainer Eisfeld, Quarber Merkue 119/2019, 271-273

»Das Buch besticht durch exzellente Sachkenntnis, eine ungemein gründliche Recherche und journalistisch prägnanten Stil, was die Lektüre zu einem Vergnügen macht. Eine nicht nur interessante, sondern auch spannende Lektüre. Sehr zu empfehlen.«
Dietmar Kuegler, Magazin für Amerikanistik 4/2018, 33

»Von hohem Wert sind dreißig Kurzvorstellungen wichtiger Autoren, über die ansonsten nur wenig veröffentlicht wurde - hier hat Weigand wirklich Pionierarbeit geleistet. Für alle zukünftigen Forschungen zum Thema Leihbuch stellt sie eine unverzichtbare Grundlage für jeden Sammler, Literaturwissenschaftler oder sonst an der Thematik Interessierten dar. [...]