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Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung

Transforming Fragile States - Examples of Practical Experience

Nomos,  2007, 356 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-2529-1

25,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe problems of fragile statehood and poor government performance rank high on the international agenda for action. In many affected countries the population receives not even the most basic of social services and human rights are violated in many ways. The government is generally unable to perform its core duties. The capacities required are not in place or there is no genuine political will to undertake the necessary reforms. The consequences of poor governance hit poor and disadvantaged sections of the population disproportionately hard. The United Nations sees these states as the single most serious risk to peace and security at global and regional level. The OECD states and international organisations have undertaken to step up their commitment in fragile states. Now the international community faces the major challenge of helping to shape transition processes by means of suitable development strategies and instruments.


In the compilation Transforming Fragile States - Examples of Practical Experience experienced experts express their views. Their analyses highlight the potentials of and limitations to development-policy engagement in fragile states. Above all, however, they demonstrate how development cooperation can help support transition processes even in exceptionally unfavourable environments.

»eine umfassende Studiensammlung zum Umgang mit fragiler Staatlichkeit, die sowohl in theoretischer als auch in empirischer Hinsicht überzeugt.«
Kristina Eichhorst, ZPol 04/08